середа, 26 серпня 2020 р.

Проект Festivals: Celebrating happiness (Свята: святкування щасливих подій)

Метою проекту Festivals: Celebrating happiness (Свята: святкування щасливих подій) був обмін інформацією про свята, які широко відзначаються в кожній з країн, про традиції, звичаї та обряди , що повʼязані з ними. Here is the list of holidays widely celebrated in Ukraine: 18-th January – Jordan Day.The day commemorates the baptism of Christ in the river Jordan.On that day in churches water is blessed and kept at home for a year. Some people bathe in the icy-cold water in the river or lake ( the temperature is usually -10 C ) as it is thought that water on that day has magic power. 14-th February –St. Valentine s Day inherited from Western Culture is now very popular in Ukraine. On that day people exchange Valentines ( cards in the form of the heart usually of red colour) to show their love and respect to each other. The 2-nd Sunday in May is Mother's Day. This is a day when Ukrainians express their love, respect and devotion to their mothers. This holiday is celebrated in the warm family atmosphere. 24-th June – Youth Day. Young people celebrate this day with a lot of fun, fireworks, sport competitions, concerts and discos in the parks, cafes and clubs. 6-th July – Ivana Kupala Day is a celebration in honour of the God of the Sun. It is believed that during this time of summer solstice the sun has the greatest power. The most popular celebrations are held at night.Young people make bonfires somewhere in the field or not far from water and leap over the flame to clean their body and mind. Unmarried girls make wreaths from herbs , decorate them with ribbons and flowers and throw them into the river and let them float to the other bank where the young men will try to capture the wreath of his beloved girl. 14-th August – 1st Spas .On that day herb and poppy seeds are blessed in the church. 19-th August _ 2nd Spas. On that day honey and apples are blessed. 29-th August _ 3rd Spas . On that day nuts are blessed. 1-st September – the Day of Knowledge. It is the Day when pupils of all Ukrainian schools and students of all Colleges and universities begin their studies. The day starts with meetings held in school yards where you can see nicely dressed children carrying autumn flowers for their teachers whom they have missed during long summer vocations. 31-October – Halloween is one of the brightest holidays for children. The annual  Halloween Party is always fun and festive with a donut eating competition, games, candy, caramel apples and dancing. On the photo you can see the students of the 4th form on the party. Besides, senior students had an event on Halloween discussing pros and cons of the celebration of it, the ways to celebrate the holiday abroad and in Ukraine. 19-th December - Feast of St.Nicholas. This is children s holiday. On that day little children are supposed to find presents in the morning under the pillow if they behave well or a stick if they are naughty. While working on the project students collated a list of festivals celebrated in their own homes; they discussed the reasons to celebrate festivals based on its religious origins, traditions, cultural beliefs, national importance and seasonal change.

понеділок, 11 травня 2020 р.

Проект Authors around the world: Flair for writing (Автори з усього світу: покликання — писати)

В рамках цього проекту в актовій залі гімназії було проведено чарівне дійство — літературний колаж “Once upon a time...”, участь у якому взяли учні початкової, основної та старшої шкіл.

Присутні змогли відвідати імпровізовану бібліотеку і почитати-переглянути інсценізації, почути декламацію поезії та послухати музику. До дійства всіх запрошували юні бібліотекарі, які заохотили дітей та дорослих до читання. Глядачі-читачі насолодились постановками-фрагментами творів світових класиків, зокрема “Томом Сойєром” Марка Твена, “Алісою в країні див” Льюіса Керрола, “Двома дарунками” ОʼГенрі, “Як важливо бути серйозним” Оскара Вайльда, “Моєю чарівною леді” за мотивами Джорджа Бернарда Шоу, а ще зворушливою поезією Роберта Бернса, Вільяма Блейка та, звісно ж, Шекспіра.

Також в рамках даного проекту учні одинадцятих класів охарактеризували стилі письма видатних українських письменників та їхній внесок у літературу.

Школа BML Munjal Green Medows у місті Харідвар провела Літературний тиждень в липні 2019 року. Учні взяли участь у різних конкурсах, таких як «Креативне письмо», «Поетична лірика» та «Дизайн обкладинки книги».

Працюючи над темою "Книги - наші найкращі друзі", вони також організували книжковий ярмарок з 18 липня по 20 липня 2019 року. На книжковій виставці було представлено широкий асортимент книг усіх літературних жанрів. Діти та вчителі насолоджувалися ярмарком та відбирали книги, які бажали прочитати.

Учні читали книги - твори відомих авторів і письменників, таких як Вільям Шекспір, Чарльз Діккенс, Редьярд Кіплінг, Енн Франк, Джоан Роулінг, Ернест Хемінгуей, Р. К. Нараян, Крістіна Россетті, Раскін Бонд, Т.С. Еліот, Рабіндранат Тагор і т. д.

Більшість учнів із захопленням взялися за читання книг, але дехто потребував постійної мотивації та настанов учителів. Виховуючи любов до читання серед таких учнів, вчителі та однокласники допомагали їм у виборі та читанні книг. Школярі проаналізували стиль письма різних авторів та зрозуміли різні типи стилів письма: описовий, розповідний, викладацький, переконливий. Вони дізналися, що стиль письма - це техніка, яку використовує окремий автор у своєму написанні. З метою розширення знань про різні стилі письма учням було показано презентацію про стилі письма.



Most of Shakespeare’s plays connect the audience to a higher theme. He used many themes like manipulation in the play, Antony and Cleopatra,Romeo and Juliet show Shakespeare’s witty writing style and his creative mastery. Shakespeare wrote about people who seemed real instead of using standard characters as was common in the theater during his days and in the generations that came before it.

Shakespeare was very innovative, adapting the traditional style to his own purposes and creating a freer flow of words. Shakespeare coined 2,035 words (Hamlet alone has 600 new words).  He progressively used his metaphors and tropes to the desires of the melodrama itself.

 “To be or not to be, that is the question.

These famous lines from Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet” are the opening lines to his most famous—soliloquy. This monologue served to reveal the character’s thoughts—as in the “Hamlet” example—as well as to create the play’s setting or advance the plot. It serves to bring the audience into the story and let it in on secrets that the rest of the characters in the play may not know.

While writing A Midsummer Night’s DreamRomeo and Juliet, Shakespeare gradually developed and changed his writing style from the traditional form to a more self-expressive style. After completing Hamlet, Shakespeare adopted a more centered, swift, distinct, and non-repetitive writing style.


Narayan is a born story teller; he tells the story with the ease of a raconteur. The tone of his narration gives rise to humour. His narrative strategy is simple and traditional. The flexibility and adaptability of English fascinated him so he wrote his stories in English.

 Narayan has remarkable command over English and used it as the medium of storytelling in a simple, natural, lucid and unaffected manner.

Narayan tries to inject the spirit and tempo of Tamilian idiom into English speech in a natural and unaffected manner. In order to impart naturalness and simplicity Narayan uses popular Tamil and Sanskrit words freely in his novels: for example: “almirah”, “asura”, “banian”, “ bonda” (a savory), “dhoti”, “jibba”(tunic), “junglee”, “jutka” etc.

His style gives the distinct impression of a small South Indian Community confined to particular temporal and special setting, their manners and musings, conversations and thoughts, and instinctive reaction to things.

One of the dominant features of Narayan's short stories is the reportorial quality that one finds in them. Narayan’s simple style of narrations holds up a mirror to the simple, occasionally ambitious, and the relaxed way of living of the Malgudians.


Ruskin Bond mostly writes about nature, his experiences from childhood, ordinary people and their lives. His stories are woven in the nature and his love for mountain, river and nature can be felt through his writing. The story he writes carries a lesson to learn.

In most of his books, he talks about preserving nature and wild life.  He is considered a pioneer of children literature in India. He respected all religions reflected through the characters of his stories that belong to different sects, culture, and religions.

He was deeply attached to the places where he spent his childhood; hence his stories are nostalgic and vivid bringing to life and charming little places, colonial bungalows and fruit laden orchards where he wandered about as a boy. His stories for children reflect his rich imagination.

Ruskin Bond presents his writings in first person narration as an autobiography or semi- autobiographical in tone where he writes about his perception of life, adventures and nature.

Some of Ruskin’s stories — ‘The Blue Umbrella’, ‘A Flight of Pigeons’ (Junoon) and ‘Susanna’s Seven Husbands’ (Saat Khoon Maaf) — have also been made into Bollywood films.


Charles Dickens has a very distinct writing style; he writes in a poetic way and uses a lot of satire and humor. He utilizes similes, metaphors, personification, and imagery to capture the character's personality and traits. Another important thing to be noticed in Dickens’ writing is the catchy names that he had used in his novels.

Charles Dickens also elaborates on the mood of a scene by using dark and light colors and using emotion to make the scene more dramatic. Dickens uses his stories to create a change of heart in his readers.

Dickens also uses the past and future to create a vivid picture in the readers mind. Colors are another very critical part in Dickens writings. He uses colors contrasting the light with the dark to create a mood for his character. 

A Christmas Carole is one of the best loved Christmas stories of all time. In a Christmas Carole Dickens uses music and mysterious ghosts to bring to bring an old miser the message of Christmas.

Charles Dickens uses the Victorian Era to describe the environment that his stories take place in. He uses the colors of the Victorian era such as browns, blacks, and grays to create his imagery to describe the environment.

He also uses candles on all of his stories as a source of light against the darkness. Dickens uses dark colors to portrait death, loneliness, and fear. He uses light colors to create a sense of love and happiness.